➡️Text Datasets

Providing Text-based datasets

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a vast field of research, particularly in Natural Language Understanding (NLU). To support this industry, we develop various types of jobs, including:Here are brief descriptions of some of them:

  • Translation: The data collected from translation tasks is used to train machine translation AI for automatic translation solutions. Many people have likely used online translation tools, and this training improves their accuracy and usability.

  • Text Classification: This involves assigning a label or class to a piece of text, indicating the type of content such as news, opinion, reviews, etc. Criteria for classification may include keywords, text length, word count, and other features. Text classification helps organize large datasets and identify trends.

  • Token Classification: A specialized form of text classification that labels individual words or tokens within a text. This can identify parts of speech or determine the sentiment of a sentence. Companies use this to analyze their reputation on social media, for instance.

  • Summarization: Condensing information into a concise and comprehensive summary. Summarization quickly extracts the most important and essential points from a text while maintaining its key themes. This is useful for training AI to simplify texts, extract key points, or provide content overviews.

  • Prompt Creation for LLMs: Generating datasets of prompts to train and test large language models (LLMs). These prompts help LLMs learn to respond accurately and contextually in various scenarios, enhancing their performance in generating human-like text. This is crucial for applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and automated content creation.

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