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📱Application overview

Our application is designed to revolutionize the way businesses and individuals engage with communities for executing various tasks, such as data collection and social media engagement. By providing a seamless platform that connects businesses with people, we aim to foster collaboration and deliver value through innovative solutions.

Key features

  • Task Management: Businesses and communities can easily post tasks, set parameters, and manage their completion through an intuitive interface.

  • B2B, B2C, and C2C Models: Our application supports various business models, enabling flexibility and scalability across diverse use cases.

  • Prize Pool: Users are fairly rewarded based on their contributions to the weekly prize pool.

  • Incentivization with Native Tokens: Users are rewarded with our native token for completing tasks, ensuring a fair and motivating system for all participants.

  • Secure Transactions: Our platform ensures secure processing of payments and rewards, maintaining trust and reliability for all users.

User interface & experience

Ta-da application offers a user-friendly, intuitive interface with the following:

  • Simple Onboarding: Quick and easy registration process for new users. Wallets are created on the fly, and users are credited with their first $TADA to allow them to start tasking right away.

  • Customizable Profiles: Users can create and customize their profiles to showcase their skills and preferences.

  • Efficient Task Discovery: Advanced search and filtering options help users find tasks that match their interests and skills. A campaign mode allows a logical progression and commitment towards tasks that match their preferences.

  • Seamless Interactions: Transaction fees on the blockchain are covered by Ta-da to reduce friction between Web2 and Web3 worlds.

  • Enhanced Contributions: Through staking or in-app item purchases, users can enjoy bonuses such as energy boosts or refills for better odds of being rewarded each week.

  • Progress Tracking: Real-time updates and notifications keep users informed about their task status or Prize Pool ranking.

Last updated